'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown ♥
So, let go, l-let go Just get in Oh, it's so amazing here It's all right

Me, Myself & I

Sushi,unloved one.
let out her first cry on 6 feb'09.
Escape from cps closure with
bamboo jinjin and old geokfang.
Currently trap in Nanhua zoo,
Guailan zookeepers is simply interesting.
Eating is a habit.
munching snacks is the greatest activity.
Bubbletea brighten her life.
Basketball-ed her height to 148cm then stop.
Ashame of my mass, proud of my fats.
Hope her hamster will be alive soon^^br> chacha panda is e most logical animal
Have great bulldog and michelle e dinosour as besties, and xinyi is e dumb-est animal
i have ever seen! :D

love to see me :


told u,ilove to chatXD


Try to let go,

Just enjoy the show.

Take a big big bow

Please do not remove the credits. :)

Layout/Editor: Purple-licious
Resources: N-serendipity. kisses.away nutzzzzz xoxo

8:04 PM Saturday, October 31, 2009

TITLE: we gotta learn.

MUsIC: 最后一次

DATE:1 Nov'09


PUFF~ 201 is separated by the different subj comb. we chose.

Before i pilipala describe how this 2 years had passed, Got some straightening out to do.

I pity my friends all along due to my f.bad temper ansd im extremely petty.

I dont see why shld i let what im unhappy about pass in silence when everything is gotta repeat over and over again like the Tape just STUCK there.

I got angry over THAT thing cause i hate it, im telling u pls oh pls DONT repeat.

If that thing dun repeat, why would i get a big fuss over it over and over again!?

I kick a big fuss over that thing because u simply ignore what i told u before. -.-

TOtally fedup in the end.

And, i got angry only because of a trival thing and can be easily solved by STOP repeating it.

Thats it. DONE.

But,everything got so frustrating when the same senerio just repeat over and over again till i can already guess what u gotta ask or say. This is so insulting when i oredi told u BEFORE.

Im not blaming u right now though we f.king argue hundred over times.okay,im over exggerating or wdv u spell it. Must understand my Eng cant make it :(

Now,i know , okay,u just too tired to think, or i got some problems in phrasing it out to u.

At this moment of time, gotta let everything end. Dun care wdv happen beofre.

Telling u this, i gotta list out what can actually make it nia-kuang.

I hate it when:

  1. Im talking to you and you simply ignore.
    Then i got fedup and stop talking to u, thats the time u come talk to me when i ignore you,then u will ask me " why are you angry ?"
    [totally fuckup if this happen. It's so insulting when you have to tell her you are angry over whatever thing which totally got no meaning afterall, she dont understand why ure angry]

  2. I told you what ever happened just now and i comment about it or fredup about it, Then you reply " But i THOUGHT is this this this .....blahblahblah....."
    SO you mean im LYING to u or you fucking doubt what i comment or im Crazy to kick a big fuss over something DIDNT even happen?
    Dare me to comment on it or got anything feeling to say, of course is i remember it as it affect me when it happen rite!?

  3. When you are down over something that u never even told me, i talk to you and you simply got no intention to continue the convo and throw me all those "oh, shi orh, oic, orh, i see, Enm...." or just nods. lol.sibei speechless okay? Then u expect me to face you with smiles all over my face when you just give me sianz diao look? please lah, whoever will also got tired afterall. Then i go talk to others, means i left you out. Waseh, nice one seh.

Okay,just got more and more woke up after much typing when i dont even have tthe intention to scold you. Inhale plus exhale. okay, so now, telling my friends to avoid above senerio. Please, im not too bitch to blog all this but im just fedup and hope i wont suffer all that next year :D

Specially for jiahui okay!! Jiahui jiahui jiahui, next year same class again.

If whoever reallly think im bitch enough to blog my emotions on this post, Shall comfort yourself and say," must understand, jiaen is jiayi's daughter, Bitchy Boy's daughter, It would be weird if she's not bitchy. bitchy jiaenbella, nice name :D "

Some quotes for friendship

"Truth and tears clear the way to a deep and lasting friendship."

"No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever."

"I can trust my friends. These people force me to examine, encourage me to grow."

"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen."

"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."

"Friends are the Bacon Bits in the Salad Bowl of Life."


After much arguing.

One lesson we missed.

Learn how to cherish.

Next year gotta be.

One Awesom year.

with jiahui again :D


saw this :

"Friends have all things in common." - Plato

at that web.

After much visiting at aalteam.blogspot.com, i bet Plati is ahlian -.-.

A cold joke.


9:41 AM Friday, October 30, 2009

30 Oct 09,

SZEYING.: Looks who's here to tag you.
29 Oct 09,

Marumo: yoyo, love the pics
29 Oct 09, 21:04

Jiahui: Omg, you posted all the picts! So unglam. D: Anw, tmr I got alot stuff to say, Zzzz. Just hope I wont forget. Lol.
28 Oct 09, 23:28

Huiqi :D: Your blogskin very chio eh!!
28 Oct 09, 23:28

Huiqi :D: I go link you now k ^^
28 Oct 09, 23:27

Huiqi :D: YO. YOU VERY LAG EH!!! NOW THEN MISS USSS!!! Hahahah, I'm gonna miss your so much ):
28 Oct 09, 21:44

Marumo: U break dustbin?! o.0 anyways, love the if you seek amy song... (saw u post it) oh baby baby have u seen amy tonigh...

Marumo: haha,yes i DID :D ilovin'it. babe babe ^^

Huiqi: Yah,i know im lag. Miss u guys lorh. i will too!!

huiqi:haha,okay,thanx ^^

huiqi:i edit de!! at first plain plain >W<

jiahui: haha, think we said fnh ><"' we shall improve okay~

marumo: i know, cause im there ^^

szeying: haha,szeying tyty!! blinkblink chiobu here lorhs~


6:35 AM Wednesday, October 28, 2009

DATE: 28 Oct`09
Im So LAG.
201,aLlow me to miss u kay.



7:58 AM Tuesday, October 27, 2009

27 Oct 09 chacha: woohoo~ the keyboard is so irritating! :S
27 Oct 09 Jiahui: Heyhey, your blogskin become very weird! HAHA.
27 Oct 09 BB: Yay. We're going to Kbox! 8D
25 Oct 09
Kimberly: Link me ! (:
24 Oct 09 Jiahui: Oic! Never mind lah, overall I still B3 like that I think, except for Lit.
24 Oct 09 Kimberly: lol jiaen you violent la break dustbin! Lol.

Kimberly: haha,dun provoke me!! blinkblink >v<>

kimberly: okay!soon ^^

BB: Sorry BB!! i pangseh u -.- but nt intentionally de~ dun angry kay~

jiahui: wheregt!! you then weird! bleahx :P

chacha: yes,it is torturing me :X

1:55 AM


在你怀里 舍不得
我使尽全力 不想闭上眼睛
不能再陪你 但不要忘记
先走了 去了好远的地方
所有回忆 抹去 却并不容易
生死由天决定 不要太伤心
but you shut your ears,
and left with her,
you left with

12:56 AM

TiTlE: i wanna forget you jerk.
music: if you seek amy.
Date: 27th oct`09

Left empty and just die off.
Oh baby baby have you seen Amy tonight.........
Yesterday was HahaheheHahaho~ :D
m0rning was boring though.meet jesse then blahlahblah. ohshit,i cant find trixie. doom.
Anw,floral arrangement became interesting with the showcase of small boob of that cheena teacher.such a flirt with the guys and reveal her boobs. lmFA0. sk sibei hapi -.-
Then the collage thingy for foo. he is leaving. bad or good/ wdv.
We tricked the freak teacher and sneak out of 201. jiayi,wahahhaa.
Camwhored at liftlobby!! shall post pics at next post. :X

Oh baby baby have you seen Amy tonight?
Is she in the bathroom is she smokin' up outside Oh
Oh baby baby does she take a piece of lime
For the drink that Imma buy her
Do you know just what she likes
OhOh Oh
Tell me have you seen her
Coz I'm so Oh
I can't get her off of my brain
I just want to go to the party
she gonna go
Can somebody take me home
Ha ha he ha ha ho
mahjong ladies went mad and started doodling on the whiteboard with lyrics!!
If U Seek Amy and 612 xing1 qiu2 damn nice~ haha :D
Went to kfc with jiahui and jiayi. ate a burger and they ate 2 pieces.
jiayi endup never fnh her meal coz i keep saying v.oily and disgusting!!
But,the chk realli sibei oily. then she say she dunfeel like eating 2pieces chk le!! omfg.
Shopped at bigbookshop and bought two notebooks.
post pics at next post :)
guys,appreciate this post. coz the keyboard went insane,
j,k,l,u,i,o,m become numbers.
i gotta change one by one T.T
reply tags next time ^^

8:45 AM Friday, October 23, 2009

23 Oct 09
Jiahui: I fail my science leh, even more fail): Dont sad liao!

23 Oct 09,
chacha: finally ur blog turns normal liao. haha. anw this is my blogspot! =D

23 Oct 09,
chacha: the mango ice very nice ah. my tummy hurts muz be becoz of it. haha. yea. i'm blaming u~ XD

19 Oct 09,
Jiahui: I updated in tumblr -.-

19 Oct 09,
Jiahui: LOL, tagged Die earlier better luh, dont need see you ^^

18 Oct 09,
geokfang: Tagged anw!!! good luck for your eoy results!!!!!!

18 Oct 09,
geokfang: Hello!!! :p You get back phone le ar?? or buy new one le?? ><>

17 Oct 09,
Clow: HELLO. First time viewing your blog. Im eating sushi now. Whootz.

CLow: haha, link you long ago cause jiahui got link >W<"' dun eat me :X

geokfang: i buy new de le~ so excited for wat,ure mad :/
geokfang: Thanks~ haha, turn out disapponting though~

Jiahui: you go go die go die. pls oh pls.
jiahui: lol.tumblr loser,no tagboard -.-

chayee: So mean :X not me can, u only eat a mouth i think. Dun jealous of my mango ice hor! :P
chayee:link u soon :D

jiahui: you got A lor~ i all just pass or fail. Shit it. :X

7:35 AM Thursday, October 22, 2009

TITLE: I feel like shooting right there.
MUSIC: Never say never.
Date : 22 oct'09

Argh,Got back results :X Never had such pms day before. Dontknow how crazy i was today.
I dont think is b'cos of results ba... .... i Only scare mummy gone case when she know my results.
She may just kill her child. she is mad de. :X

Okay,start my day with really ruin thing regarding those BANGALAHS that had a foul smell :(
Basically changed my seat when they sit infront of me on bus. They Are so DIsgusting.
Start of the lesson, Mdm tan act as if 201 owe her 100000 million billion zillion trillion.
She is mad and just freak out me, jiayi and lays.
Chinese result got back and i was like, Fuck? Im a failure.

Chem, the cRass[class]/pRease[please] de Mdm pms give back us chem and she jiao lays.
Sibei freak out, feel like walk up to her and slap her with our paper and say dunwan give then shutup.
Quote " Im acting against my conscious arh, cRass ar."

Bio just pass.
Disappointment in myself.


Got freak out with many things. Many Many things and i just vent like shit.Eventually broke a dustbin. Poor cleaner auntie,im sorry.Slam the cubicle door like mad and pour like shit.Ihatemylife.

Okay,im perfectly normal. Just compress my feeling for too long. Hahs :X
Today accompany sooche to Dover.Then Travelled to Imm.
Yujun is v.dumb~!! conclusion of today. haha.
Yujun and jiahui is mad and bought lots of food at daiso.
i bought 4 items. All v.chio!! iloveclipclip.Especially pink!!
Goodmood afterwards~ thanks to sc,yj and jh. All gt communication problem. haha.
Went to meet chayee and camwhored at toilet.
Library-ed then ate. Ate mango milk ice for dessert~ woots. imlovin'it.
Mama went crazy when we got home :X
Cant tell her my results. Murder case just pop out at tmr headline :S
Woops,tml got school.
DREAD.Eoys result.
Sweet dreams.


7:34 AM Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Smirking is the best shield

22 oct'09


Tell me something i dont know-Selena Gomez

i just a little bit caught in the middle.
life is a maze love is a riddle.

i dont know where to go.

Can't do i alone i've tried.

And i dont know why.

Slow it down, Make it stop.
Or else my heart is going to pop.

Cause it's too much, yes it's alot.

To be something im not.

Im a fool, out of love.
Cause i just can't get enough.

[the show-lenka]

I wish you wellI hope you survive
I hope you live, oh baby,
so I can watch you cry.
Cause I know in time
you'll seewhat you did to me

what she want?
asshole dream off.
i gonna chop off your hands.
I gonna stab in your forehead.
I gonna step on your hair.
I gonna pluck off your ears.
I gonna stomp on your body.
You cast a spell on yourself. Back magic.
Reveal it.bitch.
Lets see who evil.
watch u survive.Watching u crying.

8:21 AM Sunday, October 18, 2009

30 things that 98.9999% of u guys dontknow :X































I know some.
But almost all dontknow :X
Hahs, try to count how much you all actually know? ^^
i tink it is sort of knowledge.
But,i cant imagine ostrich de brain is smaller than its eyes O_O
Andandand, jiahui~ i gotta live 9 years longer than you~!!
Must understand dog de lifespan not v.long >w<

Argh,Today v.tired.
Blister and tired.
Sick of bangalahs~
Shall elaborate next time :]

Breathe slow is nice.
Rain on your parade also.

watch u survive
watch you cry

You will know what you did to me
I gotta rain on your parade
Keep raining raining ~

4:58 AM Wednesday, October 14, 2009

TITLE : `pop` bubble gone.
MUSIC: Goodbye.
DAte : 14th oct'09

How can Wing lead the Light.
How can the thurder find the breeze.
How can tears block the sounds.
How can you ignore me.

Feeling lost.
Dun feel like revising. Dun feel like tinking.
Dun feel like breathing. Dun feel like living.

EOys ending Soon.
Real Soon.
pls oh pls.

Shout till u lost all your sound.
Dance till you left with zero energy,
Stare till everything just vanish.
Remain still and firm cause,
Everything aren't within your control.
Cause, Everything gotta end.

Lets us sing PROUDLY and clap LOUDLY~
Sing the Melody that starts shooting arrows to that organ right at my left chest.
Hmm the tone that actually bring me to the sea of spears and darts.
Clap the loudest to send e most heartless signal to The deepest chamber of my heart.
Cheer With your might to Announce Everything Has gone Over months!

Nice One, Good Job.
fucking big big clap for u.
More for me pls~
Hurt me the deepest!
Then, world peace liao!~

4:59 AM Monday, October 12, 2009

TITLE : Wedding reception & frenchfrench~
DATE : 14th oct'09
Music : thinking of you.

Posting photos taken during last last week de wedding reception at malaysia.

Haiz, cherish, coz i may not be able to post pictures le~! My phone dk why cant connect to com.
Sad~ only if someone wanna help me >~< voluteer ~ muacks~!!

My cousin. cute~ GOt chubby cubby cheeks~ jiahui, your frenz frenz~!!!!! wahaha~
She quite baby for a pri 3 girl. We tot she still 7 yr old. Abit mean for her.
sleep with her in another room during 1st nite. Haha, she v.kawaii.

Me. lol. wore 娃娃装 that day. causal.

My elder cousin and me. We look so monkey-ed.

Her sch only allow short hair!! Even guailan then nhhs.
But,she looks not bad in short hair. Cute too.

omfg, she looks as if she is pointing middle finger. haha. she use to that peace sign le.

ME and chiobu,elder cousin too. 17 yr old i tink. haha, she v.mature.

Frenchtoasts~!! woots woots. officially cooked by sushi~!
(^v^Y ) i noe u jealous.
Meal : watermelon, frenchtoasts, carrot fried egg and cucumber~!
WIth lots and lots mayo~!!
yum yum.


7:58 AM Saturday, October 10, 2009

TITLE : Goodbye.
MUSIC: love to be loved
Date : 10 oct '09

"Some days I feel broke inside
but I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide
'cause it's you I miss"

"There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok"
[what hurts the most]

I dun even have the right to show.
Prentence engulfed my feeling my words.
Smile to cover all the wounds.

"There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes
And see you looking back
But that's not what gets me"

"I feel just like I felt in all my dreams
There are questions hard to answer, can't you see..."

When i finally wokeup.

I know nothing i can do.

I know you are actually looking at her beside me.







"What hurts the most

Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do"
[what hurts the most]

"Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life?
Show me how can I show you
That I'm blinded by your light.
When you touch me, I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved by you"
[love to be loved]

I know you have forgot everything.
I know others think what is important to me is so minor.
We are not close at all.
But,it seems like u just spoke to me yesterday.
I can still hear our laughter.
Everything has been so long.
I thought i have forgotton.
i thought i can forget it.
But, Tears welled up my eyes,
i saw u infront of me.
But,i cannot touch you.

The feeling is killing me.
I feel like im drowning.
But, my lips start to numb.
Heartbeat stop its pump.
when i saw the photos.
i can sense the loud thuds.
As if there are thurders.

"It's hard to deal with the pain of losin' you everywhere I go
But I'm doin' it
It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends
And I'm alone
Still harder getting up getting dressed dealin'
with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade, give away all the words that I saved
In my heart that I left unspoken"
[what hurts the most]

The pain is overwhelming.
I cant forcus i cant study cause of you.
But, i know you are waiting for the day that i coming soon to be with her.
The fact are so hurtful.
i cannot say what i wanna say.


"I've been losing my mind
I've been living a lieI've been running away
For so long
I try to put on a faceAnd cover my heartBut I'm needing it now.
So bad"
[thinking out loud-Lesley Roy]

I run and run.

I know everything is going to end.

I allow myself to pretence till it reaches the end.
I know it gotta be pain.
I dumbed my heart.
I dunnoe my feeling last time.
but now,i need it back.

When it came back.
It numbed.
The photos.The truth.
Pushed me to cliff, Pushed me down the pool.
It took out my battery.
Everything stop working. I cannot find the pain. I cannot feel the hurt.


If this how things end.
Am i gotta regret?

Its such a grave mistake to love u.
If this is how i gotta feel,
Whats is love then?
Its such a numb feeling to feel.

"And it's so hard to say goodbye
When it comes to these rules
Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help understand?"

Time to say goodbye.
Leave the last chap blank,
Ending is too obivious for me too write.
Close the book and seal with the ribbon.
Give it a kiss and say," goodbye."
burn it with coal to stop my thoughts.
Ashes will just disappear with the breeze.

Puff, the ending being written all the while.
I thought i got a magic wand.
To change it.

I was wrong.

How i wish i was being brainwashed.

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