'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown ♥
So, let go, l-let go Just get in Oh, it's so amazing here It's all right

Me, Myself & I

Sushi,unloved one.
let out her first cry on 6 feb'09.
Escape from cps closure with
bamboo jinjin and old geokfang.
Currently trap in Nanhua zoo,
Guailan zookeepers is simply interesting.
Eating is a habit.
munching snacks is the greatest activity.
Bubbletea brighten her life.
Basketball-ed her height to 148cm then stop.
Ashame of my mass, proud of my fats.
Hope her hamster will be alive soon^^br> chacha panda is e most logical animal
Have great bulldog and michelle e dinosour as besties, and xinyi is e dumb-est animal
i have ever seen! :D

love to see me :


told u,ilove to chatXD


Try to let go,

Just enjoy the show.

Take a big big bow

Please do not remove the credits. :)

Layout/Editor: Purple-licious
Resources: N-serendipity. kisses.away nutzzzzz xoxo

4:34 AM Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Music : 听见 [恶作剧]
Date : 29th Sept'o9

I got my viewty to snap snap snap~ happy~ though viewty smart is hundred times better! :X
This pic is not the best though. But,ijustloveit! Hahs,ilovephotography~!
left some pics neh post on the previous post. SUshi we ate yesterday~! woots.
Not the best sushi though. But, ijustloveit. HAhs, ilovesushi .__.

BBQ roasted chk wings we ate todae~! woots ^^ Though it is not the best too.But, i justloveit.

Went to mac today~IceCreammmmzzz!!
Hot fudge & choco cone. HAHA.

THE "DUMBEST" [dumbass] OF E DAY!!
The tangtang's video was taken away. [apologetic]

My sis say is a serious offence and a guy in her bunch tio discipline punishment.

Very serious offence. Then i humji so take away.

Ask from me then ^^

youtube got. Go search, mr monster.

pls oh pls. The last scee sibei epic fail. ^^


7:03 AM Monday, September 28, 2009

TITLE : Dread eoys

MUSIC : one time

Date : 29th Sept'09

Im such a slacker. I wanna Do geog notes Yesterday and Todae de~! But, temptations Just lead me away.

YESTERDAY Reached home ard 4.40p.m. Went to jp wit lays and jiahui.
Im so in LOVE with Sushi,Chk wing , gummy bears and milo nuggets !!
Milo nuggets are really duper nice~Though it is v.sweet.
Hahs, jiahui say she eat till her mouth numb >w<

TODAY reached home ard 4.55p.m. Went to jp with jiahui again.
Wtf,is like we eating BBq wings and Fried chk wings At the benches.Then the passerbys were glancing and staring at us like we were committing crimes.LOL.Sibei speechless & disgraceful.

Eating = no crime Fat = fortunate Fail eoys = SERVE US RIGHT !!!

We keep gng out to eat eat eat and eat.
I gotta be fatter and fatter SOON~ Just gain 4kg~ _l_

Okay,listerned to one time by justin bieber suggested by jiahui. I totally agree with her that Justin bieber sounds like a girl ~!! =.="' she say that The mv epic fail.....so i neh see.hahs,good gal


4:44 AM Sunday, September 27, 2009

TITLE: ilovecolours~
MUSIC : crazy
Date: 27th Sept'09

Todae Went out with jiahui. Lol, went to westmall. Sibei ruin. Nth to eat de~! I dunnoe where to alight Then miss the busstop so hav to walk walk and walk. Hot sweltering afternoon man~!!
Chat,Went to timezone. Then realise we neh bring tapz card. Sibei ruin~ Went all the way back to jp and take neoprint. Finally got it. Love neoprint man~! <3 muacks.
Anw,I sneak out w/o telling mama. Hehe, getting bad from worse.
Afterall,i neh revise over the weekend~! :X ilovewastedtears~!

Just being random. but this little cake is kawaii~!! hehe, loveit.

Bought my phone.Finally i can say. Purple-ish pink viewty.
lol. imissmyicecream~!! babypink~babyblue~pearly white~
But,Viewty camera really not bad. Okay,i shall forget about my icecream.
Must be faithful to my viewty ^^
shall decorate it soon.

left: designed by me~!
Right: designed by jiahui~ [childish though cute >w< ]

left designed by me again. ilovetheclips and stamp~
right designed by jiahui again. We two look so atrocious =.="'
[edited by me]
left designed by me. ^^ hehe,girl's talk~!! the face beside jiahui's face v.alike to jiahui's face.
[hehe,shhh, dun tell jiahui]
right designed by jiahui and edit by me~


3:18 AM

TITLe : tired,yawn **
MUSIC : stronger
Date : 27th Sept'09


Jiahui got to stayback for Chinese Thingy.Waited yuting in 201 while packing my atrocious underdesk and having difficulties to stuff everything to the lockers. Okay,junhong said bernard wear g-strings or wdv u spell it. Back to home and made jelly~!!yea~ got blackcurrant jelly with longans to eat though the combination is kind of weird.

Love Jelly <3 yum yum~!!


Afterall, never revise the format for both chinese and english paper 1.Woots,sushi is such a pro. Slacker i mean.Haiz,buried my face with all the format worksheet early in the morning.Then,haha, 201 guys went up to 2nd floor for some blaklisted thingy.lol,they are pro.
Jesse 2 days neh cum.Okay,nid to wash toilets and cook milo at 4.30a.m. for BB le~! _l_
Paper 1, english.[Mr tang no impact at all when he scold]
i wrote sth bad turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Pray, beg , wish and hope. Dun fail~!! >w<
Paper 1,chinese.i wrote 公函 and 报章报道..... overall ok. Just that Dictionary spoil. =.="'
Yanting's one oso last minute backout, no batt =.="' [speechless]
Went to cps for mon cake festival celebration.
Basically, 6.1 guys sucks. They ignore us and went with the fucker mok zhuang ying. _l_
Even benglee also heck us. Fuck, im too short to be seen. MZY as disgusting as ever.
6.2 and 6.3 guys were damn good intially especially weihao, haha, he is still e friendly giant~
Then, some conflict due to a girl who tag along yixin and keep listerning to Ipod. yuck.
She damn disgusting lor.pls oh pls. We quarrel for her, she still listerning to Ipod give me tht "out of situation" plus "innocent" face. _l_ do she know how to spell shame? _l_ slap her lah.
Angeling sibei angry, Yixin jiaobin lah, shield that girl. We only joking then he scold us.
We should have walk away, And, Geokfang stand at yixin that side. _l_ kaopei.Ruin my day.


Wokeup late at 12.30plus i think. Pissed with tht selfish cheena women. Enough of her. Went out coz dunwan to see her with chayee. Went to eat bento box.
Wee~ chacha order curry pork blahblahblah~ >w<

I ordered Pasta mania ^^ hehe~ The mussels are great~!!

Walk shop buy......

Hmm, Minibits de hairband not bad. Shall buy soon.
Bought a hairClip [clip ponytail ], hotpink de. ^^Y

Went to yami yogurt. Have soursop, natural, peach, honeydew and passion fruit. Hahs, chayee Bought natural regular cup and i ordered honeydew medium cup~! woots. Yum yum ^^
Then chacha dun like natural =.="' Then i exchange with her~!! hehe, its ok. Both are nice >w<

7:58 AM Wednesday, September 23, 2009

TITLE : Run fly jump ^^
MUSIC : baby one more time
Date : 23th Sept'09

Lace up your shoes
A O A O And
Here's how you do
Run baby run
Don't ever look back
Heart will fill with all pain
If you hold on to it

Dont sell your heart
Dont think there is a chance for us
Run baby run
Forever we apart
You and me

Check yes baby [And]
He is gone for all
wishing wanting
Yours for the U turn
Just be strong
And dont tell a soul you cried

Check yes baby [And]
Here's the countdown
3....2....1 now run baby run
Now she blindfolds your eyes
Dont let her bring you down

Lace up your shoes
A O A O And
Here's how you do
Run baby run
Don't ever look back
Heart will fill with all pain
If you hold on to it
Dont sell your heart
Dont think there is a chance for us

Run baby run
Forever we apart
You and me

Flying through the night
We're Flying pass the past
Way up high,
You have became smaller and smaller
With Her by your side

Lace up your shoes
A O A O And
Here's how you do
Run baby run
Don't ever look back
Heart will fill with all pain
If you hold on to it

Dont sell your heart
Dont think there is a chance for us
Run baby run
Forever we apart
You and me

Lace up your shoes
A O A O And
Here's how you do
Run baby run
Don't ever look back
Heart will fill with all pain
If you hold on to it

Dont sell your heart
Dont think there is a chance for us
Run baby run
Forever we apart
You and me
You and me
You and me

I edited the original lyrics.
okay,it dun suit me originally.
But i love the run baby run part.
So,lets change the rest ^^

3:27 AM Monday, September 21, 2009

TITLE : waseh~!!
MUSIC : Remedy
Date : 21th Sept'09

Forgot what happen.Chinese oral.Scare Scare, ihate pronouncing 出去 & 中 !!
Mr Q ask me about illegal d/ling. Okay, i forget wat i answered. Went home with yujun and lays.
went eat dinner with chayee at Shengsiong there. ilovehairbands and lovely brastraps over there! I bought my fav.longans, chacha chocolate [chayee,your choco!!] and POCKY!!
At first wanna go out with jiahui. But chayee went to meet cousin.Then i meet them when i wokeup.Lol, i wokeup late.Meet them at Starbucks~Cousin owe me Starbucks. ilovecheesecake. Loiter around jurongpoint. Done, homed. iloveCookingdash.
Morning wokeup. Prepared myself to go to food exhibition at suntec or expo.forgot :X
Who knows, reached Mrt and saw Lots and lots of bangalahs~!!! IhateBangalahs.
Black, smelly plus weird behaviour and look all the same to me. im racist.
Fedup,then mama say dunwan go le.Cause too many bangalah in Mrt trains.
_l_ pekchek man. Iwan food exhibition~!!!!! argh argh agrh.
Shop at jurongpoint. Fainted **
Not as bad as i thought though. Went to feast. ilovexiaolongbao. Went to shop shop shop.
Bought a watch and earrings. Argh, i want that hoodie shirt man~! pink or brown will do. argh.
Bought longans again,iloveit. Bought Yakult, cheesecake, pepperchicken and honey wings!!
Ilove them all man~!! i gotta be fat. Haiz.
Got a dream.Wakeup from shock, i thought oredi 1p.m. liao~!Then got tons of homeworks waiting for me. Then got test.Sibei stress~ Actually only 10plus a.m. i mad le.Too stess.
Determine to fnh zuowen 7 Before eating breakfast.OKay done. Cook breakfast.
Eat breakfast.Use com. Wait for people to on9.But only got weixuan and bolan.Lol.
I doubt they have the list of Qns for cl. Then wait again. Okay,luoyang signed in.
Haha, slack till 2p.m. Scan for me. Then i copy down. 8 Qns. Gotta do chinese homeworks.
Doodling, write write write. Finished~!! finally~!
Watched Yu le bai fen bai. ILOVEIT.
Gotta brew honey rose tea. Klvin, brew yrself. Or else i tell others u gt constipation. Oops. ^^


5:49 AM Sunday, September 20, 2009

TITLE : I hope i had cherish u.
MUSIC : lovestory
Date : 20th Sept'09


2:33 AM Saturday, September 19, 2009

TITLE : Continue Running~ baby loves to run .__.
MUSIC : Run baby run [sheryl crow]
DATE : 19th Sept'09

Baby loves to run.
Im not baby.
But i m running.
One Two Babystep.
Can i start over again?
I am so tired.
Three Four babystep.
Continue to run baby.
Taking babystep yet running.
Everything had gone too long ago.
Babies are stubborn.


7:06 AM Thursday, September 17, 2009

TITLE : Run baby Run.

MUSIC : 傻瓜-温岚

Date : 17th Sept'09

I really need you now.I felt so lost this afternoon. I miss you so much. I hope time can rewind.

Cause,iSLY.After oral is such a emotional moment.I dunnoe why when i felt hurt and lost, the first person i tot of ,not jiahui , but chu. I din realise how much ily when i re-read hamster diary during Sept hols.When i tot i love u that much, i tot that i oredi reach the max. the climax of my love towards u, i cant love anyone more than that.And now, i get to know that i realli realli love u that much.How terrified i m this afternoon, Breeze became too cold for me.When you could not cry when you need to, you will be even more sorrowful.I dunnoe how to describe my feeling....v.lost. I walk 100 over times up and down the flight of stairs when waiting for jiahui this afternoon.I know i cant cry.Cause it is school.Not a place to emo.But, it is so mixedup.My feeling.ifeel like crying coz of the _l_ mSPOON initially.But why i will start thinking you when i m so lost.Ifeel like saying hug me baby when i m down, Wipe my tears when i cry.Pls oh Pls. But, you aren't there. So i felt lost. My mind is filled with u. kaopei. i fedup with myself.

Why cant i just giveup.Just let it go jiaen. he dun like u. He wont. He might u tot.But this kind of thoughts are gng to kill u. The pain is killing u now. How? love is such a mistake. No, loving u is such a mistake.I tot it will be over soon .After eoys,everything will be fine and end.Jiaen, bear with the pain i said. Close your eyes, shut your ears , everything is ending soon.Pain killer is on the way.

其实 他做的坏事 我们都懂


眼光闪烁 暧昧流动


其实别人的招数 我们都懂


故作软弱 撒娇害羞


傻瓜也许单纯地懂 爱得没那么做作







我们都一样受了伤 却不投降




i tot i wont love anybody more than horse.The feeling of loving horse is so diff. from loving u. I dun hav to be overwhelmed by pretence, dun have to witness everything.It is such a dream to love horse.Tiring though.Loving you is so diff. Horse is like so far away.But ,you, i like once almost manage to got your hand.But i let it slip away. In mist,i lost my way.Then, i choose the wrong path. ihatemyself. i m such a humji. i deserve everything renow. i cant blame bolan right? i dunnoe wats love.it so complicated.i dunnoe.mayb , just mayb. kvin might solve everyth. Fuckup,i m such a bitch. I always tot of kvin only when i need to get over u. Everytime oso like this. Why? why m i such a bitch. i hope kvin will never saw this post.Ihatemyself.But,i will tell him the true thinking of mine.iknow it's gotta hurt him agn.Why m i such a bitch? i obviously knows how sucks the feeling of luving some1 dun like u,but i still do this to kvin. im sori.

i sense my sadness for real.Really v.aching.i dont noe why i can love hamster more than horse but when i oso think this two belong to two kind of love.Diff. so Diff. i m such a bitch.how i can i giveup horse when i once tot i love him so much in the past.onli 1year then change to hamster.next year lerh?will i change agn? omfg,i m such a bitch.I dunoe if that really is love liao. i begin to doubt myself. if is love , why one year then love another one?why?why?i dunnoe~!!!!!!omfg..i m so freak. i v.stress out.i mso tired....i wanna close my eyes for one.nobody can give me advice.i m such a bitch i tink.kaopei. i dunnoe.wats my feeling?when i tot of the oast loving daniel, my heart still ache.then?means i still like him?? Then hamster lerh?? i tot now i love hamster? then why i m so sad when i miss hamster? tats love rtie?why i will cry when i lost hamster? why i will panic when i saw him with her?why i will wan to noe wat he is tinking? i dunnoe how much i can like a person anymore.i was once so confirm abt my love towards u. i neh doubt b4.why? love so fragile? 1 year then boom, gone, another one liao.then those hu stead one then antoher after another when they keep promising them they truely love them....when u say u love the 2nd girl,then the promise u gave the 1st girl lerh?wat they thinking?i dunnoe. wishy part just sucks. im a bitch.

when i say im a bitch. i m realli lost. when i will gone case when others say i m a bitch.

when i listern to 傻瓜. i m realli lost.when i will cry lke hell when listerning to 傻瓜.

when i say hug me baby.i m realli lost.when i will run baby run when i m lost.


5:32 AM

IM so stress.
First, tmr need 2 compos , chem test , oral and maths homeworks
Then, Got maths test, 2 Geo practice papers ,Hist practice paper and Elit ws.
ALL homework neh do~ Oya, forget to mention -- EOYs is on 7th Oct if im not that dumb .__.
Today is 17th Sept for your info, less than one month~
woots, jiaen,you are so so so carefree~!!
Recess gobble congee~ blinkblink,it is so COOLING ^^ Female Dogs also can celebrate Bd huh!
Lol,late for cep for dunnoe how many pathetic mins.Then,Mdm tan aggressive again again!
W-O-W, IMPACT seh~! Anti-drugs :D Boring :X i mean English. Such a meaningless subject.
SLeepy -- blinkblink .__. yawn** slogged on the desk....LALALAND.....
Woots lunch. ILOVEmushroomsoup ^^
Hist is interesting.Hahs, purely becuz ilovemrschng. She damn cute~ ^^ her grins so funny! XD
Elit -- aim : Fill up all the space behind e classroom >w<"' [heng neh call me Zz. Guys=lazybums]
Oral is such a horror matter.IHATEIT.
But,what ruin this omfg thingy :
existence of Miss Poon.
Do you know that what she did?!
She act she gotta sleep when im toking!!
OMFG~of course u will stop when u saw her jiaobin rite?!
she at first half close her eyes then use her hand to support her head when she doze off~!!!
Then she continue with another QN~!!
ALL 6 Qns were being asked through this way.kaopei.
_l_ ihateher man. i got integrity duh!! _l_
Fucking sad seh.kaopei.flunk liao lah. Shit it~


5:25 AM Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First week of school. Stress out. z_Z i dunnoe even know the new timetable.
Im procrastinating.

My left eye-lid ticking and ticking since morning.argh,i not sure if left is meant for bad instinct intially.But, i tink is 左凶右吉 NOW !!

  1. I thought Mr Q use acc to give us test so recess and lunch can revise~!! Who knows sherralin tells me is First periodopen space .__.
  2. When sherralin gives me spelling, ok ,i tink i roughly know how write 10/50 and rest 40 words refer to textbook!! [omfg,fainted].
  3. Morning assembly go change seat then Mdm tan [ANGRY ANGRY] aggressive~
  4. She claimed tok to Her in a "wrong" tone. Tio.
  5. Stand in M.A then jesse approached me~argh, blahblahblah she said sternly.argh.
  6. Then maths,Kp,Mr P.h [Can imagine his distorted face] damn no responsibility!!Push all blame to Alvin lerh~NB. never manage to find my maths 2. i neh get it coz absent
  7. Art,v.KP~SPLINTER~ hate it. Cry like keesiao~Dun like them say wat no pain at all when i can sense the pain so much. The pain is "pumping-pumping" type de.I think is my <3beat. luckily got Mr Lau. General office is such a quiet place and can only hear my screams.MAD.

End of my unlucky day, Not entirely ruined though.

add on

9.23 a.m.

during Art

12.23 p.m. - 12.34 p.m.

during Acc

I love all these~
i hope i can by your side,
even if i know she is the 1 you love.

when you are confused,
i hope i can guide u along,
Even to the path of you and her.
i really love you.


8:08 AM Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Officially thinks this pic is omfg funny.
LMAO OMFG **fainted**
Dont u think this girl looks damn alike with JIEHUI in class206 [GB]
Their hairstyle and bangs and grins and spec~!!
watsoever ,Just super duper alike. 99% i tell u~!!
Go find your yearbook IMMEDIATELY~
class 106 , name jiehui~
haha,hope she wont saw this post.
She will KILL me.lol.
random post.


7:02 AM

TITLE : Enough of everything. im tired.

MUSIC : evacuate the dancefloor

DATE : 15th Sept'09


Argue with mama cause of blahblah thingy she said i lied to her.

LOL,seriously,i never. FUCKING SWEAR I NEVER~[unreasonable]

She and sis went to watch movie.idunwango. >_<

Go eat dinner [meet them] .__.

We Went to look for the new hp i desire!!

LG viewty~!! 5mp~ LOVEIT ^^

But,Doris say Viewty not good!! [her hp = viewty]

OMFG, lightning plus thunder~ Idunnoe wat t o buy liao`rly like viewty .__.

Then shop shop shop~ Homed.



Argh, I haven realise hols arrived when it had actually ended.Fedup.

Woke up on 5a.m. PRO~to do maths hw.lol.

6.30 reach school.Nobody at lift lobby,even chunyi hadn't arrived.

Waited.okay jiahui was late ,6.47a.m. [17 mins]

Arc thingy~ Dun understand maths~ argh.DOOM ^^

Dunnoe why no M.A ' good though. Slacked and screamed b4 mdm tan arrive.

Back to seat.Study. [hardworking] DUH .__.

Forget what happen but remember ihatechinese.Dunnoe from when,i use to loveit. LOL

Owe Mr Q 2 compos.

Then went home with lays who told me got physics test in tue.[In the end dunhav ^^ ]


Woke late at 5.25a.m. with my skirt un-iron.IMSUCHAPRO~
brush teeth,tie plaits,heatup breakfast,iron skirt,wear uniform,struggled with my fringe etc.
Boom,out of house.Sat with jiayi and jiahui in M.A [fun , laughing at others ,smirk ^^]
Mdm tan dare her to pick on my attire.[daniel tio~ blinkblink]
Mr P.h's [mr tang's] lesson.**Shudders**glamourous`refers to alvin too.
Left my sweet in com lab.Tell Mr p.h to let us go take then he insist his card cant give us to scan.
REASON :Tat card is HIS.
wow,PROTECTIVE of his card. LOL. Laugh MAO.
English is Boring.Oral sucks.Gotta tongue-tied.WOOTS~
Music had
Carefree -> chatting -> saw sth ->emo ->Ms Yeo nag -> think it is funny -> smile -> hyper.
Let me show u wats music~ [Quote from Ms yeo]
I wan nobody nobody but chu~!!nobody nobody but CHU!! ^^
Afterschool waited for lays for danm long cause of the guys.Zz,waste my time.Yuck.


5:18 AM

TITLE : LOVE u'all
MUSIC : you belong with me
DATE : 15th Sept

Chayee Bought new laptop - fujitsu. White will be better but easily dirtied.Black-easily left fingerprint.Haha, Web-cam madness ~
Snap - Cheese -Snap - Grins - Snap
I pangseh her.Intially say wanna do her expression TGT. But, i changed at eleventh hour.
W-O-W` LOVE my sis.


Xinyi , Jiahui ,Chayee , Yihsiu~
LOve 'Em ~ muacks~~!!
Miss when we were together. Such a pity tat xinyi is in another class. [204 somemore]
Pray,beg,wish ,hope.
Next year SAME class hor~ winkblinkhint **
But,she is such a pro~!!scholar seh~ Got principal's comment on her report book man~
Claps-claps- for my XINYI~
Spaghetti too this fabulous place discovered by chacha and me~!claps**
Then, italian chocolate cake [jiahi's and my fav.] ,
discovered by jiahui andi~!! CLAPS **
ilovemyclique [though only two in our class now T_T]
She is rightnow struggling with her studies in tw....
trying to cope with everything that aprroached her currently~
Everybody~wish her the best ~

1:09 AM Tuesday, September 1, 2009

TITLE : kawaii neh~
MUSIC : u belong with me
Date : 12th Sept'09

This picture is so kawaii rite?
A scene in spirited away ~~~
lovethat show~! love these blackblack creature~
Though zijie hate all these things.....haha...

my typical tuesday night,
listerning to the kind of music she doesnt like.
she dont know your hurmour like i do.


1:09 AM

TITLE : Sick of my life.
MUSIC : let it go -Alex & Brit
Date : 11th Sept'09

Today,argh,jiahui rejected me. Sobz...at first wanna go makan at the new japanese foodcourt in Safra.But,jiahui say she dun feel like going out.okay,nevermind .__. on Com,blahblahblah~use com till so sick of it. Sorry com-y...haiz,go youtube and watched "you belong with me" again.
iloveit.lol,DNA dance v.difficult.Haha,hoe down throw down easier. blinkblink.

Off com,eyes v.tired.Cook my breakfast.Iloveeggs. Ransacked my Dvd cabinet.WOOTS~it all start with a kiss in sch,devil beside me and meteor garden someone lend them.Dun like t.f.k fighter.Paris lover abit haywire.Okay,i decided to watch glass shoe~!!
Episode 1,cried like shit~!! so pathetic and touching.Their dad died.T_T How fortunate m i....
hate sheng xi....she bitch. should go watch though it is a drama long ago....玻璃鞋....
i remember iloveit when i was primary dunnoe wat, running after it with kelvin's mother.haha,kelvin act cute.

Waited for daddy's & mummy's dinner.They was late.Hungry.Headache & stomach painpain.
Argh,ate two pears and one kiwi for my lunch.lol.so v.hungry.Fruits not filling at all.Mama bluff me.Nevermind .__. trim my figure.blinkblink...seems hopeless to me.nvm,Proud of my fats .__.
MAma suddenly v.good, bought shampoo,pocky and lays!! Cheddar and BBQ~!! LOve u mama~


1:08 AM

DATE : 10th Sept'09

Yesterday,stupid jiahui asked me a v.cruciah Qn.
"Thinking about hamster,will u still sad?"
Replied in a next moment,not much thinking, i lied.
"No ba."
W-O-W,run i run, away from my pain, away from reality.
Tats indeed a cruel one.

wattthefuck.I was so lost.Hold me baby.But,u were too far to hear my sobs.Too engross in tat witch to see my good.You were there i thought.But,when i look again.Lol,u are gone.Cum back.Your voice is all i hear,i wan u back.pls baby,say i had once been in your mind,once,we were so happy.Though we are as strangers as before.But,i wan that time back.I was so hurt so hurt,to convince myself that we got no memories.Indeed,not much memories.But,i will recall what i could.Cause,i wanna that feeling back.I felt my happiness when i was with u.How did we cameto this state?Is it my fault?i hav no Guts to love u.I dun dare to step out the first step.But u and her are officially loving each other.Who am i to u, Nothing. I wanna u back. i missed u so much.I had been escaping when u and her was about to stead.I wasnot tat sad when u and her indeed stead.Coz i dun feel the pain. so numb..so numb.Only when i saw, u and her,that letter,everything signals that u and her are such in love.Fuck,i hate myself.i tell myelf i dunlove u anymore.Coz everything was so long ago.Memories that u wont rmb.When i grab on it for long.

等待 是我为你付出的代价
Oh~爱我的话 要回答
走太远 你 走太远

Everything is so bitter.

So is my saliva.

i m spinning round,hold me baby.




1:08 AM

TITLE : 她带着恶心的面具。。。
DATE : 9th Sept'09

眼 还在偷瞄些什麽
So tell me baby what’re you waiting for?
强词了太多 没有用

1:07 AM

TITLE : Holidays....peace out.
DATE : 10th Sept'09

Meet jiahui outside jrl on 12 noon,okay,library is damn packed.Everybody so free?Argh,level 4 is atrocious.We were v.lucky on 3rd floor,lol refrences,some girls with luaggage wanna leave.Lol,throw her a freak look.Dare her to turn back and glare.zz.Chatted.lol,we are so SICK.blinkblink**hahs,write some geo notes....lol,revised?! blinkblink slack.Zz, jiahui fattybonbon,wanna eat le.WOOTS,went to spaghetti too again~!wtf,dunnoe why ytd's spaghetti v.spicy~!WOOTs,Order italian chocolate cake again~!!ROcks,i noe u jealous.DROOLING~!!Back to library,sibei hardworking o.0 true? one piece of note counted pro?blinkblink~
Wake up on 9a.m. Imscare of Thunder.Hug me will u...?.....emo....emo......imafucker.sheisawitch.
Watched "YOu belong with me" over and over again.ILOVEU.kaopei.okay,relax~calm down then watched buzzer beat ep 1part 1 then wtf,need go for GB.Comb my nicenice fringe.
Then,tada,still raining.Argh,Stomach damn pain on bus.Zz,cold sweat plus blur vision.Freaky unwell.Alight the bus then hav to climb overhead bridge.Almost fainted man~!!!Then,feel like vomitting siah~!!omfg,vomit on the overhead bridge~!!SHHHH~dun tell anybody,it was so inconsiderate of me!! inoe inoe~!!but,Realli need to vomit at that moment man~!okay,Seen,my breakfast all out.lol.Staggered my way to nanhua.
Fuck,no GB girls seen.Sibei duo Guides.ok,sucks.Went up to classroom.went down again.Sit infront of GO,feeling unwell,sleep.Then wake up,11.15 .GB girls seen.Tell them i m unwell then they kia-si,wan me go home.lol,i m not that guai pls oh pls.lol,Phoned jiahui`!!blinkblink~cum out for lunch~!!she took 40mins to cum,haha,sudden call of me.My lousy idea to go WESTMALL~jiahui~~~~blinkblink...okay lah,abit too small.Hahs,Got kaya balls lerh~!!Malaysia's food~!!blinkblink~Damn sianz....3p.m. go jurongpoint.haha...YAMI YOGURT!! Vanilla Cone.Jiahui pissed off.haha,Giggles,she DUMB la....or just slow?lol,duunnoe.


1:07 AM

TITLE : IM missing u~
MUSIC : 爱丫爱丫
DaTe : 9th Sept'09

等待 是我为你付出的代价
Oh~爱我的话 要回答
走太远 你 走太远

1:06 AM

TITLE : Argh,pangseh
DATE : 8th Sept'09

Ok,jiahui tat bulldog pangseh me and fly to ion with her clow and lenise.Lol,Still gotta go back nhhs to take my things.Boring.:X Today morning 7.40a.m. wake up.argh,tired.Bs Daddy abit,Ok,guilty.Sorry papa .__. i will be goodgirl.

Waseh,will pant abit when i start walking to busstop.Argh,luckily walk abit then okay le.Lol,omfg,on bus, a indian women board the bus.Wakao~i almost fainted.SIBEISMELLY.Walao,wanna murder others is it.The f.smell.Not i wanna discriminate her, she realli v.inconsiderate!!Dunnoe wat thingy she put on hersel.Argh.....Then i got a vvv.pain stomache~!! SEE,she got me in trouble :X

Reached school,zz,Late for 30mins.haha,psps.Ok,Hejin was late too.Abit earlier than me.Saw DZN AND WX.lol.Extra.Blahblahblah,doodling and giggles.Todae is hot.Sweltering afternoon.Walked to mrt with JY,YT and YJ.Chatterbox-es.
Saw Chew sihui when i was queuing for 198~waseh,intially wanna go take 174 de! [same bus as sihui] Wanna Admire her Slowly,since she is such a beauty~!!blinkblink.haha.

Bathed immeidately,IM so HOT >W< blinkhintwink.
Waseh,i tink i got abit 洁癖.lol,i Washed ALL my bras again.oops,guys shoo.Blinkblink.WTF,Got a peanut smell on all my Bras~!!! Is like, wats that man?who is eating peanuts and put some in my bras?! lol,but NO PEANUT found in my bras.Hahs.Ok,satisfied when i saw all my Fav. bras were hang to dry~!hehe,pervertic.WOpps,obseen.Dont imagine tat~lol.

In an addition,
Frenzs are like BRAS,
Always need them ,
So close to your heart!!
Guys are wdv,Frenzs are forever.


1:06 AM


MUSIC:Just one last dance

Date:7th Sept'09

Argh,still has abit of sorethroat and coughs....I will pant when i walk! Tat is so torturing....argh,i suffered.But,V.gald that fever did not cum back and find me!! ShooShoo~ i bet i m a nasty frenz hence it dunwan me le!!haha~tats gd...i m proud of my bad temper~ blinkblink....

But,i v.worried!!Jiahui, Doris,kimberly and jiayi sick le!! blinkblink~~ Not H1N1 ba~ Igot some masks in my hse....lol,must wear when go out!! See,i so guai and considerate~ Tml nid go back school for newletter thingy and i wanna take back all my hws and blahblahbalh textbks....Dunnoe can go in Classroom or not..

I tink i go out wont spread diseases to others ba~ Chayee everyday with me but she is damn healthy~ haha....HOpe i will get well soon.
Todae is boring. Wake up by jiahui's call. Argh,mama dun let me go nhhs. zz.
Eat some dimsum and then go JP pay bills. LOL
Went to look at phones.W-o-W,LG viewty not bad arhuh~ blinkblink....

ILOVELG~ haha..LG ice cream as glamourous as before~ haha...Blinkblink...Omnia II sucks.
pls oh pls.copycat~ hehe. N97 so coooooollll~~~
OMFG,damn EXPENSIVE MAMA~!! T_T i wanna it!
i wan tat! IWANTHAT!!

UPdated hamster diary ,
Insignificant Though.
He is/was Already Gone.

**oops,just to add on.I just realise,allthe date and time of my posts are ridiculous!! hahs,sis's new laptop can change the time wow~!!ok,currently using chayee's new LT to update my blog.
**But,jiahui upload a pic for each post so i edit to have every pic for my posts,When i edit the draft jiahui saved, the date will be under the same date.lol.
**main point is, Dun take note of the date.lol
i will write myself in the post.


1:03 AM

Date:5th Sept'09

ok, i m still feeling unwell. Dunnoe why lerh! Super Duper fedup~!! Watever i wanna do oso cannot do. Cannot Go out , Cannot Play , Cannot chat , Cannot revise. Headache is such a pain.
I oso cannot concentrate man~!! waseh, my medicine is running out!! But,cough ,sorethroat ,headache and blocknose all still there~!!Fever keep cumming back after it subside when i ate my medicine!! No fever currently. Lets hope lata it wont cum back!! ihatesick! Andandand, all my hw and ws blahblahblah are in the sch !! Some in Classroom man!
Speechless plus fedup. OMFG. screwed.

Sibei stress. Nb hamster.Kp Witch. EOYS!! UNWELL!! arghargharghargh~!!!
walao...dunnoe why so long liao haven get wel. V.pekchek. Pls la. Let me get well!! PRAY !!

PLs Oh Pls.
I wanna get well.
I wanna my life back.
i wanna my health back.


1:00 AM

TITLE : Oh,Cinderella,Gone
MUSIC : you belong with me
Date : 4th Sept'09

u tanished my dream.i just wanna be a cinderella.even for one day.ihateu witch.
ok,just go stead. bleahx. witch.witch.witch. i know u know i luf him. watever. u sucker.
i tell u, u are just a fucker bitch. In the future, your mask will be torn and smashed thousand over times than my heart. He is blindly loving u this fucker witch. You, got no frenz. Wadever, i know you had been readin my blog. So what is i being too paranoid? Just stay firm and believe, you ruined my love. If it hasn't been u, i maybe dancing in a ball with him. U blindfolded him,
With your dirty underhand. Dun cast me those proud glances anymore.

Yaye, i m threatening you. So what ? lol, u tink you own the world? U ARE JUST A FUCKING LONER AND FAKER. Seduce boys are mend to be your hobby. Everybody has a right to have a hooby. Except for u.Cause, obviously, you are not a human. A FOX i mean. Argh,pathetic gal.
On your way to lodge a complaint? Remember, my name is CHEONG JIAEN.
GOGOGO, go complain the most innocent fox. mind u.sucker.

YOu know how to attract his attention.

Labels: ,

1:00 AM

DATE: 4Th Sept'09

WOOTS~ finally defeated by fever, After coughing and having headache for a few days.
Lets hope is not H1N1. lol, sorethroat is kiling me.Headache is atrocious and fever is so overwhelming. Doing the GB parent appreciation night Video. Wtf,the movie maker just heng.
And, PUFF. Everything gone. I neh save. !@#$%^&*&^%$#@!@#$%&^%$#@#$%^&^%$
Daddy said 12a.m. MAX. Must sleep le. Okay, After consuming the cough syrup, drowzy.
This morning, waseh, wanna faint liao. Headache sibei hurtful.
BLur vision + headche + feel like puking + no appetite + fever + sorethroat + sneezing + eye heating + no energy + ear disorder.
okay,i m feeling awful.
everything just PUFF , shoot to me. Argh, no shield. LOL, K.O
sorry jiahui, today pangseh u.
But u seems to be having great fun without me. Right, Doris ?
haha, since u are perfectly fine without me, woots, tell u a good news.
cum nearer....cum....[lean towards ur ear] I AM NOT GOING TO SCHOOLD AGAIN TML!!
clapsclaps** have another fun day.

Ohya, todae at the clinic, anw jiahui, i go bukitbatok de clinic~ lol
i was resting with my eyes closed duh. then i hear someone say," huh?1p.m? now only 12 lerh!"
then the first impression flash in my mind is, BOLAN!!!!
wow,then i open my eyes. another freak like bolan.
Spike hair, act cool , tok in a act cute tone.
lol,maybe is his cousin that BOLAN mentioned who lives in bukitbatok.

i slept throughout.
U must be having great fun with her on bed.
LOL. u two suckers.
Hope u two get AIDS ^^
