'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown ♥
So, let go, l-let go Just get in Oh, it's so amazing here It's all right

Me, Myself & I

Sushi,unloved one.
let out her first cry on 6 feb'09.
Escape from cps closure with
bamboo jinjin and old geokfang.
Currently trap in Nanhua zoo,
Guailan zookeepers is simply interesting.
Eating is a habit.
munching snacks is the greatest activity.
Bubbletea brighten her life.
Basketball-ed her height to 148cm then stop.
Ashame of my mass, proud of my fats.
Hope her hamster will be alive soon^^br> chacha panda is e most logical animal
Have great bulldog and michelle e dinosour as besties, and xinyi is e dumb-est animal
i have ever seen! :D

love to see me :


told u,ilove to chatXD


Try to let go,

Just enjoy the show.

Take a big big bow

Please do not remove the credits. :)

Layout/Editor: Purple-licious
Resources: N-serendipity. kisses.away nutzzzzz xoxo

11:48 PM Monday, August 31, 2009

TITLE : Physically,Exhausted
MUSIC : Womanizer
Date : 3th Sept'09

visit this website when u are free.
it is a blog with little kawaii drawing of little story.
This is a particular story,with funny description,abit disgusting though.

First,gotta thank jiahui for uploading loads and loads of nicenice pics for me!!! LUFF~
These pictures are able to appear in my blog,all credit to jiahui.Ohya,i just watch Garfield again.
Typical line of me is "why jiahui in there?!" hahaz,realli v.alike. oh man,pathetic chubby cheeks.

Woke up on 11plus.Busy in the kitchen with chayee, making some soup.ILOVEEGGS.
dunnoe the toufu cooked or not.wdv,it is swimming in my stomach age ago.Watched Garfield,then on9. WOmanizer nicez. Mv of "You belong with me" v.cool.Love it.


2:33 AM

haha, i biased. HEHE, only give gift to mrs chng...haha,sori mr q !!
Wake up 4.20a.m , bang into toilet de door. OuCH~tats must hurt alot...[nods]
Then sleep back.Ok,i dreamt of him.LALALA,wdv lalaland fake de.ALL fake de.
5a.m. brush teeth,wake up 20mins earlier than normal, but never doze off. i m superenergetic-gal. Defeated, when i saw my panda eyes in e mirror. Got a shock. WOOTS.

tie my plaits,blahblahblah,struggle with my fringe,tie shoelace,packbag,find my socky.
typical monday morning.6.14a.m. rush down to catch 6.15 de bus. Okay,i noe it is impossible.
Yeah, great, it came true. i missed my bus. sianz. tick tick tick,waste my time. 198 came, single deck. fedup.

proudly announce that sushi is a kind and helpful little superenergetic-gal!! HAAHAA~
ok,i v.nice. Saw a [old?] women cant stand firm on the shaky bus. stand up confidently and tap her to signal i m giving up my seat to her.Great,i tink abit disgraceful, what if i fall when i stand ?
wdv,neh tink so much during that time. sibei many nhrian. W-O-W i m a nerd.

shake,shake,shake my way to nhhs.Luckily neh meet horse.As charming as before.LOL XD
went down to parade square.Mingle and giggle with insane jiayi and bulldog. Jiahui so unarmed.
Should bite jiayi's hand when she wanna "cup" u , haha , OOPS,i unbuttoned ya!!

ACES DAY or wdv u call it, obviously sucks. Waste of my precious time and my essential energy.
LEssons are so extra.
OYA,got a sec 402 or watever class he cum from, kp yanting they all first,then kp me and jiahui.
he damn shitting,he tink he own the place is it? wat the heck he tink he is? hello, bubblebrain,
Drop off dua dua gay.Tall and gigantic.FREAK, it is insulting yanting to call tat organism giant.
he scold yanting's clique ,"walao yeah,SIAM LA!"
Then i and jiahui walk behind yanting's clique by a distance away,he bark again,"WALAO,AGAIN?"
i m sibei provoked. He tink his thigh big and fat then he own ar?Hello?then the gorilla in e zoo all can be president le. PLS OH PLS.

Had my fav. mushroom soup this aftersch.Bused to jp.Ate.Chat.
crave for chewy junior agn.Ok,double chocolate crunch is nice.CONTENTED.
LOL,SORRY jiahui! neh watch "the proposal" with u.Just lost interest.P.S
despo for neoprint.Sianz.uniform indeed sucks.
Ok,those hu tio scold by me during celebration concert,sibei,apologetic.

Saw jinjin and yongfang in jp. Torture starts. jinjin is agressive.Violent.and mad.
she will kill me when she saw this. SHHH....jiahui and yongfang quite alike. haha XD


11:59 PM Saturday, August 29, 2009

yesterday was fattening day. Woke up on 11a.m. called xinyi and jiahui till 1140.
None of them pick up calls.Freak me out.Dunnoe xinyi buy her phone for what. Even irritating,
When i called jiahui's home, her mum say cant connect my call to above apartment.Tel me to call her hp.Onli if she pick up.Ok, admit i m genius, i deliberately went online and bingo,she is on9.
ASk her out then blahblahblah.
Went to imm, for yanthing's present and soosoo nanny's.
Bought a mug and plate for yanting and and sth cute but common for soosoo nanny.
Loiter ard and went to eat italian cake with hot fudge and ice cream.ok,Peixuan smsed jiahui agn.
We two hungry fatso, bought fried chk wings and went round looking for seats.
Sibei fedup, all seat occupied. Out of madness, we tot of riding on the kid's toy machine,u drop $2 then will move and music. We hop on to a Spaceship-designed and tis one can play game!
two plyers!! so fun ~ We laugh like insane and many passerby cast us a freak look.Ok,lets go down this childish thingy.

We love chk wings! finally found seats,munch and gobble. Call sis, went home.
mum nagged, ok , permission to go out for dinner. phoned jahui.
Trained to lot 1 , cotton on rocks. Saw bulldog. ok, gt a shock.
Went to eat , tat Spaghetti is too salty , not good. X_X
otah is spicy~ but nice!
shopshopshop , bought wrapping paper and Mrs Chn's present.
But tio ruin by jiahui, she wrapped the present like a fan.
walk laugh push.
Crave for mcflurry.
sit in mac, saw a ruined boy , laugh and scream like mad.
haha,jiahui say his younger bro v.cute. i totally disagree , pls oh pls.

faced bulldog throughout the day.
i m not a animal lover .
haha. Fun though.


10:49 PM

okay,had sort of nightmares on friday nite. Cause my sis told me the gross scenes of
"The final destination " . Finally, i know why it is M18. Bloody scenes and gross thingy.
Shall describe to u guys. A guy tio stuck to the dk what thingy under the swimming pool then the pipe behind the pressure meter of the pool gush out bloody water and intestines etc body organs.There is another scene, when a mother went to beauty salon,then let her kids run the green-patch outside the salon.First,they show the kids throw pebbles on the grass patch while a ulu man is cutting the grass using watever machine.The funniest part is, when the mother has done with her hair, she open the salon door and nag her kids , saying , "Hey, I have my eyes on u!" Next immediate moment, Pebbles fly towards her eyes and thats it, she is blind.her eyeballs Gone.
WAHAHA~ laugh my head off.Pathetic soul.But the scenery v.gross.A face w/o eyeballs.Yuck.

Ohya, everything start when those who are supposingly be killed in a race stadium , survived in the explosion. Eventually, every each of them nvr managed to escape from the clutch of death.

Lastly, no One survived. All died in a cafe. A Truck bang into the cafe.


2:13 AM Friday, August 28, 2009

blogger has no life. Dunnoe when it wanna allow me to upload my freaking nice photos....
as in chope from web de...not my zi4lian4 photos... duh .__.

Once again, cool rain slide down again.
Once again, v.diu1lian3 infront of horse. argh .
i totally no life. is like, i was dozing off, then suddenly e freaky bus driver step on e brakes.
I looked up, saw horse, but too blur to recognise him [ need time to register/load ].
When i realised it was him, i threw him a shock glance!
OH MAN, give me a life!!!
simply walk damn damn fast when i alighted from 198. totally unglam.

Sat beside bulldog from e start of the day.
Slack throughout. Giggles and madness.
okay, i noe i m not fix to be the reserve. wat so ever. carefree.
rash out my CME reflectin and maths hw.
No life seriously cant describe Mr P.H.
Obviously, His condition has worsen .__.
woo ya, e cyber wellness thingy realli can go jump down. Totally destroyed. that guy.

Lunch had my favourite mushroom soup o.0
jiayi had to leave earlier for her piano test. She was in a bundle of nerves.
Can imagine her, pacing up and down around the corrider. Paranoid.
haha, okay, bless her that everything shall be absolutely fine.
Art was zz. Jiayi's drawing is avocado!!! So is Charmaine Poh's!!
HAHS.luckily Charmony's was saved.But jiayi's, continued to be ruined. [like e artist o.0]
Babypink is very VERY kawaii ~!! luff luff~

My pear is simply a joke.
ressemable P.H and Ni**le ~

Here's the CLIMAX!!
when Jiahui and I took 198 home. Saw sth seriously ARTISTIC and GLAMOROUS~
HAha, totally out of shape. Got a shock when i realised her existence.
Super damn hyper and gone crazy when saw it, freak.
Take out jiahui's hp to snap a photo for MEMORIES.
But, the bus is simply shaky , then i hav to alight. So, dk if jiahui managed to snap beautiful angles of her!

Okay, tat organism is CHEW SIHUI~!!
give her a life.
This time is serious.
She need it urgently.COme`mon.


6:40 AM Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2nd day w/o yihsiu, totally speechless. Stupid bulldog neh cum. Her stomach acid corrupt her mind le. Stomachache. zz.
"sha-sha-sha....", angels cried up e sky agn tis morning.
Mama say todae is 七夕节...牛郎织女踏着喜鹊桥,在天上的某一处相见。。。
Morning rain means they are too hapi to to meet each other after every year.
Evening rain means they are leaving, and dun wanna part.
So romantic....But, very pathetic,one year once.
WDV,at least better than me. ok, i jealous. nvm.zz. hope this legend is fiction.
Hence, they can be together eternity!!! wahahaha~ hapi~

todae damn zz, seat infront empty, seat beside empty, right side nobody sitting.
WTF? loner....i swear i hate to be alone.
heng, todae gt jiayi,yanting, charm poh and SOO SOO NANNY!!
haha,recess was ruined.
sth make me v.sad....lalala,wdv,hu cares abt my feeling...lalalala
i sucks.
Saw horse....saw housefly.... zz, mood ruined.

Maths was extrordinary FUN with the existence of a freak , i name it , MR P.H .
haha, continue to guailan..than blahblahblah... he was PISSED,lol, with his hairstyle ? o.0

CCA was irritating. officially admit, i m forgetful.
FULL U is obviously so troublesome.
One thing missing, everything gone. kao.
i v.contented that i gt my boots in my locker as last sun i forget to bring my boots then tio one page of reflection.
This this timeround, is i forget my nametag as last sun i wear mufti then need wear nametag.Eventually, left my nametag in another bag.
ok, speechless.
thats not the worst,come on.
then wenhui told me to mend my GB socks to zixing.
NEXT unfortuante matter approached.
rose gt extra nametag, then , this time rd, i dunhav my socks!
kao, do u noe wats fedup?
then i giveup,hopeless.
shared my full u parts such as belt to my junior who forget to bring some parts.
then,only me and a senior neh wear uni. tio agn.
sacrify myself for others ,see, i so nice.
LOL, like real.

cca was super duper tired.
officer adeline took 1 and 1/2 hr to check uniform.
loss of words.....dngggg...

Gradually drag my 11 home with bulky bag.
Chat with xinyi alot.
HAPPY> officially detest xiaoyu. bleahx.
hsefly.yuck. is IT a monster or creature? Organism suit him best. bubble brain >w<


2:44 AM Tuesday, August 25, 2009







Don't, don't go away
我还舍不得 你不要走
Don't, don't go away




Don't, don't go away
我还舍不得 你不要走
Don't, don't go away
生活喔... 喔能不能夠

So don't, don't go away
Don't, don't go away
我还舍不得 你不要走
Don't, don't go away
生活有人分享才值得 拥有

finally found chinese lyrics.
love chinese more.
argh,i dunnoe.
really dunnoe.
how to say goodbye,
But,you are already gone.


2:05 AM

as usual , blogger cant upload photos. okay,it just freak me out.
i gt tons and tons of super duper fabulous photos to upload for my post.
blogger throw tanturm, tats it. Gone. equals to , no photo for my post.
I believe it is boring to read a wordy post. Toobad.blogger is mad.zz

agrh.yihsiu is gone. or was gone. i dunnoe. my eng,fail.zz
1.50p.m flight. i bet she is in taiwan now. wow,so carefree.
it is only a 4-5 hr flight. but, She is so far away.....far too far from my reach.
life,w/o her.sucks.weird.uncomfortable.cant concentrate.
realli cant hold back my tears anymore.
It seems like,i can just cry in any moment. Tears, are well-prepared behind my eye.
Waiting for chances to well and brink my eyes......
But,it is nowhere with use. Even if, i dunwan her to go back tw.
She,still,HAVE to go back. There is her homeland afterall.....

i cant be selfish. i noe.Yet,i cant control myself from my sorrow.
i Know it is a good thing to her.she is anticipating.Her real OLD FRIENDS there will replace us.
i think.But, just so unfair. How could she just leave like this. I miss her so much.....

The moment we part in e canteen,
Eyes wet,heart arched.palm sweat,mind blank.
She is gone.
she was gone.
For good for all.


7:14 AM Monday, August 24, 2009

emotionally down.

Looking through your eyes,there's nothing to hide
And you're no longer mine
How could I survive
when you say goodbye
Why do birds still fly up high?
Can't stop the tears from fallin'
We used to be so fine
when you walked into my life
I tried to reach out for you
just to be with you

My heart is breakin'
Don't Don't Go Away
Baby, don't you know,
I miss you so.

Don't Don't Go Away,
I've never been on my own before.
Wooh…. Oh….Can't you hear me just take me with you
So don't don't go away
Don't Don't Go Away,
Baby, don't you know,
I miss you so.

Don't Don't Go Away,
I've never been on my own before.
So won't you feel my heartbeat once more

But,i know.
You have Gone to far,
to hear my screams of heart.
Still,Dont go away.
Pls oh Pls.


6:47 AM

i am quite fedup with blogger...why cant upload picture? and everything so screwup?
Finally understand why my senior wanna chang blog recently,when she keep complaining abt blogger.tats e reason.woots.
today's bball wasnt tat fun without yihsiu.though i indeed sweat alot.tired.
recess is so warming.then spree of snappings."ka-cha - ka-cha" ...
everybody taking pics with yh. yh is indeed hardworking.obviously be seen when she insist on taking out a paper during chem lesson when she neh bring her notes. she win. haiz.
din cry infront of her.scare she lata guilty.
Eventualli,tears welled mup my eyes when yihsiu went to CO room and i keep toking to myself, saying ," eh,yihsiu go liao leh. gone for all le! " [trying to make myself accept e fact."
then lalala,went to CCA Dancing....zz,it was fun. But extrordinary tired.
Perhaps was e dance tat tired me out. Or the absence of michelle empty my energy tank.
i wann be as energetic as ever, w/o stern face of yihsiu. i cant fool ard as b4.
i dk.idk. i just wan her back.

i regretted tat i neh hug u todae.
i regretted tat i neh cherish u when u WERE with me.
i regretted tat i neh say "iloveyou" face to face.
i regretted tat i neh prove to u,i will DEFINITELY miss u.


6:23 AM Saturday, August 22, 2009

Once again, i m back to BS.
Happen to detest bs in e past when i came to a pt ,when i m sick of it.
hence,change to chinese blog.
now,once again.start to develop "interests" in playing bs.as in using.
Not that use to blog usingf English.I wasnt pro of it in e 1st place.
No matter wat, Ya, this is my new blog....DUH
Lots of crap from now on....