'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown ♥
So, let go, l-let go Just get in Oh, it's so amazing here It's all right

Me, Myself & I

Sushi,unloved one.
let out her first cry on 6 feb'09.
Escape from cps closure with
bamboo jinjin and old geokfang.
Currently trap in Nanhua zoo,
Guailan zookeepers is simply interesting.
Eating is a habit.
munching snacks is the greatest activity.
Bubbletea brighten her life.
Basketball-ed her height to 148cm then stop.
Ashame of my mass, proud of my fats.
Hope her hamster will be alive soon^^br> chacha panda is e most logical animal
Have great bulldog and michelle e dinosour as besties, and xinyi is e dumb-est animal
i have ever seen! :D

love to see me :


told u,ilove to chatXD


Try to let go,

Just enjoy the show.

Take a big big bow

Please do not remove the credits. :)

Layout/Editor: Purple-licious
Resources: N-serendipity. kisses.away nutzzzzz xoxo

9:04 AM Sunday, November 22, 2009

TITLE: feel the shape, of the air... ...
Music: 最后一次
Date: 23th Nov '09

22th Nov, Sunday.
Wokeup at 1010, Went to Eat Macs breakfast with Mama and chayee. Haha, i had been chanting since i step out of the door :
"ohmygod, why i wear till so pretty (!!) **blinkblink**"
Trying to gain confidence duh. Then chayee and mama keep defining me T.T Mean family.

Ate big breakfast and treat mama. Cause last time bet on something then she win T.T Cheat my feeling + money. Haha, full breakfast and mama "drag" me to popular to buy maths assessment book cause i flunk my eoy maths by like a few maths? Lmao.
Her favourite line :
" Maths fail from the start of the year till the end of the year... ..."
blablabla, she will continue :
" Oi, dont dare take your report book to let papa see ar?!"
And she grounded me.

Lol, when we reach Popular, W-H-A-O~~
"PEople Mountain People Sea(!!)"
Waseh, their school never sell textbooks is it? lol.
Awesome long Queue just so dreadful.
Final decision: Dont buy FIRST. F-I-R-S-T. T.T
Went to mama's fav. Fairprice Extra. Stockup TIME :D
Bought my fbt, straight-cut, black.
I wan buy a grey one soon. Curve-cut one ba. **ponder**
Bought two pairs of socks, pink plus white. chayee bought blue.
Oh, ilovemeatballs :D
Im so tempted to buy the yakult (!!) But, mama say too heavy :(
Cause lata she going home with the groceries alone.
I and chayee stay at jp to shopshopshop. 'Cause i insist :D
**Oops, chayee got university de test :O**
Aiya, she wont revise even at home :D convincing **blinkblink**
Went to minibits and haha, convinced chayee to buy a hairband since she got such nice short hair. Sliver one for her. Elegant.
**oops, she got a bighead D: **

Went elephant @ basement, Argh, super nice blouse can~
A star in the middle. Cute plus elegant. But, too exp, must save up for chayee's belated present. She "forced" me out of elephant @ basement by leaving me alone in there and walk out D:
**oops, she walk out on me! sounds so wrong :O **
Went pepperplus, A blouse with alot of stars this time!! nicezz :D
Ok, temptation still got me nowhere. No bucks to be spent! T.T
Walked around and Tada, went to buy my hair accesories.
Hotpink de finish le :( so bought lightbluez. No bad either.
Saw a bracelet v.nice!! chayee keep defining me and say looks atrocious.

Loitered around and went to Puremilk. woots, new designs every tues and friday. Tried a few with chayee and tada, bought one each. Same cartoon design but hers is a dress and mine is a t-shirt. The monkey v.cute.
Then i joke:
" Omg, the monkey design so cute, suit u... ..."
(chayee v.happy, cause she tot i say she cute)
[ but duh, Dont expect good things from my mouth :D]
Continued... ... :
"The head v.round~ JUST LIKE YOURS :D roundround face :D:D"
chayee went (-.-) ---> sianz.
library-ed and then went to find my pokadots hairband.
And tada, Dont need go aries le, Ta zhiang GOT!
Yes, and nice pokadots de~ with brown base. Loveit. bought it.
But, still feel like going to aries tml with jinjin and buy more hairbands.

I dont know what im feeling now,
Why can i be sad?
When did i actually fall in this hole.
I never know.
It's so unknown.
It's so silent,
And just got me in.


7:11 AM

TTILE: Close your eyes... ...
Music: breaky heart
Date: 23th Nov'09

Out of random.
Saw internet pictures somehting like this.
Try it out myself and edit some :D

"if you could see me now... ...."

"So let go, let go
Jump in, well, what you waiting for?
It's all right
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown."
I love this :D
"When love starts to unfold and back to pages"
Means, My love become history, back to pages, flip through memories, close the chapter and tie it with a ribbon. The end.

It's over.
Truth twisted. Truth hidden.

She is the that fake one. evil one.

Love this pic :D

My favourite :D:D:D
The sunset so nice, taken by me in the past when i went to malaysia.
Such a beautiful sunset, helps me dry my tears, to welcome another sunny smile.


6:00 AM Saturday, November 21, 2009

TITLE: When i start to miss you... ...
MUSIC: 我真的受伤了
Date: 21th & 22th Nov '09

18th Nov, wednesday.
Forget what happened exactly.
Only remember i got so stress out by my fats and went running at 8plus p.m.
Felt so motivated and emotional suddenly.

19th Nov, Thursday

Part one: Preparation

Wokeup at 9.30a.m. if im not wrong. Okay, Must remeber im recalling what happen during the camp, May forget some parts, haha. pack my bag and omfg i got many things to bring --> A bigbag, a purple file for my lyrics :D:D, a small leather bag [haversack?] and my sleepingbag. I Totally went amazed when i managed to stuff my 1.5L bottle in my bigbag :D
Part two: Travelled.

Went to meet Xinyi for our breakfast. Okay, it was heavy. But taste marvellous(!) cause it's subway melt :D:D footlong. haha, shared with xinyi duh. We were too early so went to shop. Bought my chiochio pinkpink starstar earring. :D
Staggered ourway to FRONTDOOR. wtf, why cant open backdoor, Alot of people coming back nanhua they dontknow meh?

Part three: Reached.

We were informed to come early @ 12pm for O.jesse's farewell party(!!!)
It wasn't much of a party, And O.jesse was late -.-

we just had two cakes and O.jesse gave a speech and cut the cakes and she grabbed a slice and left. Obviously not a party -.-
Eventually fall in and whahaha, same group with jiawen :D happy(!!)
And other goup 2 members are :

Lim fangning
Olivia (IC)
Oscar Aung
Bong thai ming
Fung Wai kit
Chen en jie
Chen xiao yu
Ow yingchange
Goh zhen jun
Melvin ciow
Low shang kuok
Tan zi liang (2IC)
Hoon Ding yu (EXCO)

Okay, mostly sec2 -.- Luckily not sec1.
I saw Group one de BB boys who are sec1.
They behave as if they v.Boss lidat. Wtf?
Simply childish plus super act smart de primary1 kids.
Sorry for being too frank :O

Part four: Archery.

Went to Indoor Sports Hall for archery and It was COOL and Damn Entertaining plus FUN (!!!) ILOVEIT> and i same group with xinyi and jiawen :D

Tell u a joke, come nearer........

" JIAWEN actually shoot out of the White circle !! > 0 marks :O

[ yellow is bulleye which is 10 marks and white circle is 1 mark]

Whahaa, we were making fun of her slip of mistake> shivering of hands!

Like, our group only she can did that Oustanding shot!! Claps**

sorry for being sacarstic :D but, jiawen is such a entertainer :D

she din mend to be one though. haha" **gigglesss**

The actually test, Each of us got 6 shots at one go. It's tiring. O:

ILOVEMYSHOTS!!! **smilesss**

Got 53/60 Excellent marks though there are always people better than me :O

But, still b.contented! Only if my 5th shot that i got the redish orange circle which is 7 marks, can change to yellow circle! Then i will got 56/60!! nvm, Im only reflecting my mistake :O My hands too tired liao. **sweatsweat**
Luckily 6th shot i got 10marks :D

Part five: Awful dinner and boring hiking

We rush Back to class201(!!), change to my nicenice pinkpink slipper and bathe.
I acutally screamed when the Cold water touched my hair. **shivers**
ILOVEHANDDRYER so much during camp :D:D Dry my wetwet fringe. :O
Rush back CR201 and change back to shoe -.- totally freakout. Why cannot wear slipper!!! :(
My pink one D:
Got our packed Dinner and i was like, EEWWW, Sour rotton vege. FREAKOUT.
Got a hard time swallowing those drydry rice down my throat with awful vege.
Finally night hike. Okay, we need to walk 14km D: They are being too helpful and wanna help me to burn my fats. But acutally wasnt as bad as i think and it wasnt that Exciting or thrilling as i thought. wtf, bored me out **yawns**
Got a road name is dontknow what SEX de. LMAO. lol.
night hiking fun OOPS.
Finally reach the destination. Haha, another joke.
The EXCO say tell me your group de TIMING.
Then our group got one THAIMING.
Whahaa, BB boys obivously being extremely mean and hand Thaiming to that EXCO. lol. Timing = Thaiming
Walked to Clemeti central, Wenhui say v.near. -.-
Bought nothing and lol O.jesse "threatened" those GB/BB who have the mac monopoly stickers to hand them to her (!!) using her rank as a officer cause she also playing!! omfg.
**pointpoint** she 假公尽私! dont the 尽 correct or not.
Totally bored out when the officer ask us to introduce our names.
Fine, but that wasnt the worst! She ask us to add a adj infront of our name to describe ourselve using the First Letter of out name. :O Sianz.
I was glancing other groups in envy cause they can sit GB a side, BB a side when they are a group.

I can remember some if im not wrong:

Joker jiawen

Joyful Jiaen

Omg Olivia

tall Thaiming
Super shang kuok

Yummy yingchange

Wonderful Wai kit

Zip Zap zhenjun

Outstanding Oscar

Oops i forgot some.

Help them think le :D

Marvellous Melvin [untrue]

Zombie-tic ziliang [i know i create a word:D]

Freak Fangning [oops]

Xiaocharbo Xiaoyu [It's extremely random of me]

Energetic Enjie [o.0]

Hope i never left out any group member. Wdv :O



** oops, im not scolding, is my keypad went mad :D** [innocent face]

20th Nov, Friday

Part one: Stupid punishment

Wokeup at 5.20 supposingly~ But we overslept till 5.45. Rush to brush teeth and change. Everybody fall in and was lete for 4mins.
BUTTTT, group 2 got a missing girl and TADA, is fangning.
She was taking her own sweetsweet time to put her contacts and her attire was wrong. Whao. She was late 12mins and sadly,

GB is One for ALL, ALL for One.

So, we ran for 18 rounds!! And i really sibeisibei 丢脸!
We were running, xinyi and i were in the middle of the girls.
Then TAMADE, My shoe TOO big then it just fly out!!!
FUCK? infront of BB boys can. FUCK LAH!
Then i still need squat down and tie my shoelace.

Okay, I lag one round than others, so i have to catchup right?
Then i run sibei fast and one round myself infront of BB boys.
I oredi can image how fugly am i that morning. Fuckit.
Please, i hope i can brainwash all of them T.T
O.jesse say im WRONG to run alone, and say I GOT NO UNITY.

WTf? this world is turni up sidedown liao.
Lata i lag one round she say i cheat, i run one round to catchup them she say i no unity. WtF? lata i vomit i bet she will say, " why u go dig your throat or why u go eat so much?!" when they stuff us so many junk food --> rotton vege to us.

Luckily got breeze, not sorching sun or else i will just die there.

Sitches just got me and i like wtf when 2more rounds were added to our 18rounds and become 20rounds. N-U-M-B-E-D

Part two: Amazing race :D

Forced to gobbled down breakfast and rush to staffroom for our handphone.
Off to Heritage Trail @ Singapore River by bus.
Grouped with jiawen again :D **claps*
Amazing race started and hmm, still not bad :D
At the base, all groups must solve a puzzle, and we were the last to solve and tada, must wait for 5mins after the 2nd group went.
We Started late but finished the amazing race at 2nd.
Hi-5 jiawen! We own :D

I shall not elab on amazing race cause it's a mess~ We mixed up the stops D:


  1. Brazilian dont speak english. [majority]
  2. Mediacrop crews v.rude.
    [ We saw 想握你的手 de crew filming, linxiangping over there. They ask us to shutup when we playing amazing race. I was like, WTF? ]
  3. There is actually a mini merlion(!!) v.cute :D
  4. Some tourists can be real annoying
  5. We must turn the map to find the landmarks -.-
  6. The name before renovation is " Victoria memorial hall".

Part three: Pass the parcel and lunch.

Bused back to school and it was a game of pass the parcel for team building. Initially playing 3legged which im dread about. And yeah! Lightning alert and TADA, CANCELLED :D

Pass the parcel, pass throw fly hand push... .... all sorts of passing and lol BB boys trying to be funny and TADA, One of the sec1 guy i bet [ so childish] hold it v.long to drag the time and trying to sabo his friend, tio cause the music stop before he can sabo his friends :O OOPS. TOO BAD.

Went on laughing about some stuffs. WHAHAHA, the mushroom hair-style.
Lunch after the parcel thing and lol, taste abit better than 19th Nov dinner but nowhere better -.-
Sec3s required to start bbq fire and haha, we wanna help but it's time for captain's ball.

Part three: captain ball ** FUNN**

OHgosh, i din expect it to be so fun. Initially i dontwanna move -.- i dont wanna contact with the BB boys can. Argh, Forget which round is which round. But, the last round we played sibei rough. Wtf, Dont like the dont call what lah, 202 de, he think we are the beambags?
Jump on my feet and just push me away can. WTF? Bad impression initally and now, Worst.
Okay, the second last round i din play cause it's jiawen's turn.
Went to find Belvia and she is so funny! My group de Melvin cannot jump v.high, commanding plus no teamspirit. I only found out when i sit there and look how he play. He is the captain but he is commanding all the players from his position -.-

Remember his one CLASSIC line:
" Ehhhh, dont throw too HIGH!!"
Then shang kuok throw head level, Melvin yelled,
I was like, WTF? he ok? not too high, head level not v.high, got v.low meh?!

Incapble and dare him blame others. _l_ He surely dont have mirror, or else why he inisist to be captain? hello? Thaiming or Yingchang obviously taller can? wdv. -.-

And got one guy keep blocking Melvin and sibei arrogant.
I thought what impressive name he can own.
In the end, Beliva say, he call BOB.


I almost almost laugh my heart out :O I laugh till i cry can. till i choke :O
Sibei funny plus ruin name. And when i calm down and look at the game again,

Whenever i saw BOB, when i tot of his name plus looking at his expressions,
Everything just Trigger my laughters(!!!!)
Started my concert and sing:

"Bob the builder can we fix it? Bob the builder yes we can :D"

Okay, now, The dontknow what wai kit call my FULL NAME. Sibei serious offence can. Piss off. calm down after that round though.
ILOVEBLOCKING RACHEL. Oops, sorry rachel :D she breaking down T.T
During dontknow which round, Dontknow which groupmember keep calling my name and dontkonw ask me to go block where, i cannot find the source of voice
-.- sorry.

  • Funnnn game
  • Funny people involved
  • Funny NAME people involved
  • Rude people involved
  • Rude movements involved
  • Fakers involved **pointpoint** ihateher.sucker.
  • We won the last round we played but dontknow who's the winner -.-
  • I have a great time and enjoy the most throughout the camp [ILOVEBALLGAMES]

Part four:BBQ and war games

BBQ time. Thanks to GB sec3s and BB boys, we got 16 pits :D
Shangkuok one group and waikit one group.
Our group got 4 girls and need 2 in each group.
We girls decided Olivia in Waikit's group so fangning also in Waikit's grp.
I and jiawen in Shangkuok's grp. But, We never tell the guys our plan.
Then Waikit say I in his group -.- i was like, huh?
But never tell him i dontwan -.- Before i could, he walked away -.-
Then lata i and jiawen went help shangkuok. Think Waikit dontknow my plan and tot i jump to his group? i dontknow, he say nvm -.-
Dontknow why fangning Come help Shangkuok so desperately despite the fact that we told her she is not in this group -.- sibei despo. wdv. :X Then left Olivia in Waikit's group only. LMAO.
Piss off with something, emo with something.
I dont really enjoy myself.
And, everybody has a burger EXCEPT for me.
WTF they want? i dont deserve to eat huh! fuck it one two.
War games, called runaway and we had earned credits from previous activities. Lol, A dontknow what EXCO explained alot but i still dont understand. I mean, alot of people dont understand. Luckily our group de EXCO expained again and i dontknow why i actually UNDERSTOOD :D smart of me :D From previous activities, Our group earned $380 :D
First round, they buy our grids in the middle and i passed the grids with tio caught successfully.
Second round sucks :X
i tried 2 times also cannot. wasted my group de $40 dollars. guilty T.T

Part five: Video screening.
Bathed at 10.15p.m.
Oh, iLOVETOWEARMYPINKSLIPPER. Waseh, 2nd night damn slack :D
Obviously is because is BB in charge of our activities~
Then it was supper after bathing. Got some biscuits as our group de supper. Choose by Olivia. Forget whats the brand -.- i only know it's v.dry. Drink alot of water.
Video screening Time~ Okay, i totally got disappointed.
They played a Japanese Anime which i think maybe interesting.
I stayed up till 1a.m. just to watch the ending. In the end, he was recalling how his kins all died at the period of war.
I thought the show will be how he survive during the war despite the death of his kins and live his life strongly. In the end, he died in a train due to starvation. WTF? Nice?
Video screening nice

21st Nov, Saturday

Part one: Heavy breakfast and Area cleaning
Morning exercise was two rounds and I was surprised it's so short compare to friday's 20 rounds.
Breakfast was so full and it's Nasilemak. Ihateit when they just put alot of sambal in our packed breakfast till all ingredients and rice covered by sambal.
Sibei spicy for alot of people and our group de girls all never eat finish.
Permission from Mrs Chng that it's ok if we din finish. :D
I was emo-ing after i saw something during the captain's ball and throughout the rest of the camp but whenever i saw Mrs Chng, my mood sibei good liao. Hahas, im not lesbian lah!! :O
Bunk cleaning, area cleaning at Indoor Sports hall. Emo again. IHATEIT.

Part two: Slack and Goodbye.
Slacked around in 101 classroom during the planning for open house.
We started a massage train (later massage circle) going on after heart attack and 终极密码 and
Punishment is Banana dance. Oops, i got one. And jiawen, jiayun got triple O:
Feedback-ed at AVA and i wrote sibei many complains about the night hiking and nasilemak.
Jiawen's snacks, Xinyi's and szeying's all GONE.
What the hell? Xinyi say hers is O.jesse eat it. And other we bet is BB boys ate them. Cause we put all snacks in BB/GB room where BB boys slept there overnight.

Hello? So despo for sweets meh?! if mine tio eat by them w/o my holy PERMISSION, I will go confront them can.(!!)

Jiawen, Xinyi and szeying they all to kind le.
Vesper then eat cake. Shared Nice strawberry and cake with Xinyi. **blinkbloink**
Forced to drink Rose syrup which Got a Malay Smell can!! Dontknow how say, i just hate it.
Drank 4 cups(?) with Xinyi. Bleah.
Changed and perfumed. Omg, then i realise my mini perfume only left half bottle. It was quite full when i brought it to camp. Waseh, how much i used during camp -.- nvm, buy new one again.

Part three: Homed and Slept.
Oh hell, my ezlink left 90cents then cannot take mrt T.T
Bought standard card. Emo at train alone. Nobody pei me T.T
Reached jp and chayee ate her lunch so dontwant come jp pei me. T.T
Started raining heavily... ... look at the rain. Im feeling suck-y. T.T
Reached home, ate lunch and slept. What a pig. T.T
slept 3 hrs plus.
Then night typed this post for 3 hrs still haven type fnh. T.T
Continued today and Tada, DONE :D
Thanks szeying's camp post at her blog. Credit: dotdot-d@bs

But why he can affect my emotion,
So much.
IT's hurtful,
But i dontknow why.


5:12 AM

Hello Jiaen, tagged, (:

20 Nov 09, 0
doris.: chiobu!♥ ;D oh, I miss calling you that. do tc alrights.(:

19 Nov 09,
Ag.: I couldn't find the link that time ! Lol. linked.

18 Nov 09,
chacha: hihihi. Nice song. XD

18 Nov 09,
Kimberly: the mv damn touching !

18 Nov 09,
Marumo: yohooo! band concert u and jia hui wanna go?\

18 Nov 09,
Jiahui: Okay, link you soon! Lol why you keep calling wrong name! Like my grandma lol. OLD ALR LA.

Hazel: oh, thanks.

20 Nov 09, 0
doris.: whats tc? haha, A fat one i can say. But dont call me fat chiobu T.T

19 Nov 09,
Ag.: -.- aiyo, tsk tsk. Okay :D

18 Nov 09,
chacha: DUH .__. I post de(!) :D

18 Nov 09,
Kimberly: Ya, Pan put in all his efforts can~~

18 Nov 09,
Marumo: o.0 whats that?

18 Nov 09,
Jiahui: HELLO? I so energetic plus young can. duh :D haha, just you all trying to mix up all your names rite!! BLEAHX > :P
